Monday, March 28, 2011

Wanted: Motivation

Lately I've been in a running slump.

Treadmill.  Boring.

Mileage.  Boring.

Motivation.  Nada.

I know I have the marathon in October, but that's so far away.  So yesterday I decided to just find a half-marathon coming up soon and sign up.  There is the Chicago 1/2, but I wanted a smaller marathon so my family could come and we could enjoy it together without it being such a big, crazy production. 

I ended up signing up for the Hawthorne Woods 1/2.  I'm very excited.  It's small, has a great course, and is only like 30 minutes from my house!  So I officially have 5 weeks (and 4 weekends for long runs) before I run the race.  I did a 10 miler last weekend so I hope I will be ready in 5 weeks, but I'm a HUGE procrastinator so signing up at the last minute works for me.

My thoughts were: 
Weekend 1:  12 miles
Weekend 2:  8 miles
Weekend 3:  12 miles
Weekend 4:  5 miles (cutback weekend)

Then, during the week, I usually only run one or two days, but I'm hoping to motivate myself to run 3 times a week...somewhere between 3 and 6 miles a run depending on schedule, kids, etc.

So that's my plan....I'm definitely not running this for time (I usually am around 1:45 for a half marathon but will pretty much be happy under 2:00...hoping for between 1:50 and 1:55).

Ran 3.5 miles today on treadmill (8 minutes/mile) so my first day of motiviation was a success! 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Can't Believe It!!!

I won a giveaway!!!  I have never won one before....and the best part is it's a great one! 

(See 2nd Contest Giveaway below)

I literally have been wanting to go buy a Camelbak water bottle for me and the I only have to buy one for the girls!  And the Northface Bag is adorable and perfect since I just purchased our pool pass for the summer!  And I have some "trouble" spots and need to work them out!

So THANK YOU Amy at  so much!!!!!  And thank you to Jess at for the recommendation!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Give Aways

Here are two GREAT giveaways for runners, walkers, or those who just love fitness! 

I LOVE both these blogs...and these giveaways!  I feel stronly to only enter a giveaway if it's something I would LOVE...or otherwise let someone else who would LOVE it to win it....

Jess at Little Miss Runshine is giving away:

1.  Jillian Michael’s 6 Week Six Pack
2.  Jillian Michae’ls 30 day shred

I really need this...hubby and I have a trip to Vegas planned for June and it's my goal to get myself into a two piece!!!!  I wanna be the mom of 2 in a two piece....

Amy at Inked Owl is giving away:

1.  The North Face gym bag
2.  A Camelbak water bottle
3.  A Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones workout DVD!!
I have been wanting to get a Camelbak...and LOVE the bag...and refer to above about Vegas, need some good abs, etc....
Check out these giveaways...and these GREAT blogs!  Good luck!

Friday, March 4, 2011

I've Accepted It...

This is NOT me.

I am NEVER going to win the Boston Marathon, the Chicago Marathon, or even the local 5K.

There...I've said it....I feel better!!!

I'm VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY competitive!  I'm the annoying girl who will up my speed because the person on the treadmill next to me checked my speed...or will sprint at the end of a marathon to beat 1 more person.

Today my goal for the gym started at 5 miles at 8 mins/mile. But once I started, I was feeling HOT!  Not the normal hot, but extreme about-to-pass-out HOT.  I think the gym didn't get the message that it was almost 60 degrees outside and still had the heat on.  Anyways, I wanted to stop, but I was being my normal competitive self. 

Then, as I'm running I look up to the t.v. and hear that a 16 year old boy had a heart attack and died on the basketball court.  My heart goes out to that family.  Those stories always hit home because my sister has a heart defect, but we didn't find out till she was in high school.  That story could have easily been her...thank goodness it isn't.  But I thought about the young boy with his whole life ahead of him, and the family who is grieving, and it made me slow down for a second. 

So I walked...and then ran...and then walked...and then ran...and then walked.  And then ran, but this time I got my second wind and was able to save my time a little bit (finished 4 miles with some walking at 33:30) but that wasn't important to me.  

I accepted it...I'm not going to win the Boston Marathon (although I did once win the Bass Lake Indiana may or may not be because the leading group of men took a wrong turn...but I got lead to the finish line by the police car and it was GREAT...I digress)...but I have two beautiful, sweet daughters in the childcare that are waiting for me to come pick them when my body is telling me to slow down, for the first time I will.

That is, until this summer when I start training to qualify for Boston again....then I'll return to the obnoxious, sweaty girl on the treadmill!